Abstract: After the Opium War, concession and its legal
system came into being in Shanghai. With the promulgation and implementation of
this legal system, modern Chinese began to study it gradually. The legal system
of Shanghai concession described by them mainly includes: historical materials
recording the legal system of Shanghai concession; the works and papers on studying
the legal system of Shanghai concession; the guidebooks and newspaper reports
on the dissemination of the legal system of Shanghai concession; etc. We can
get some important enlightenment from the legal system of Shanghai concession
written by modern Chinese.?
Key words:
modern Chinese,
Shanghai concession,
concession legal
modern Chinese history
本土性与世界性之间:近代国人如何看上海租界法制[J]. 探索与争鸣, 2020(8): 142-149.
Wang Limin.
Between Nativity and Cosmopolitanism: How Did Modern
Chinese Think About the Legal System of Shanghai Concession
[J]. Exploration and Free Views, 2020(8): 142-149.