探索与争鸣 ›› 2020, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (4): 6-35.

• 圆桌会议 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-04-24 发布日期:2020-04-24

Anti Epidemic and Modernization of National Governance in a Mobile and High-risk Society——From the Perspective of Methodology

  • Online:2020-04-24 Published:2020-04-24


2020 年初,一场突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情彻底打乱了人们的生活生产节奏, 进而对个人、社会、国家与全球产生了深刻影响。在强有力国家治理体系的支撑下, 经过全国上下、各界同胞两个多月的巨大付出与努力,我们已取得了疫情防控的 阶段性成果。但疫情仍在全球肆虐,病毒还有可能与人类共存。大流动、高风险 的复杂形势对国家治理现代化提出了更高要求 :国家治理现代化不仅是一套规则 和制度,更是一种理念和方法。因此,我们需要从理念、方法上对疫情防控中的 经验教训作出总结与反思,努力寻找共识。为此,《探索与争鸣》编辑部邀请专家 学者从方法论的视角进行了探讨。专家们认为,回归常识、回归理性、回归中道, 坚持共同体精神、坚持专业主义和专业精神、坚持法治、保持忧患意识和自省精神、 坚持治理弹性以及构建责任伦理为核心的合作式风险治理体系,是抗疫取得阶段 性成果的保证,也是大流动、高风险社会应该遵守的法则。 何怀宏教授认为,疫情在全球蔓延凸显了人类共同命运的处境,可以作为一 次推进人类命运共识的时机,这需要各方求同存异,共克时艰。邓伟志教授将应 对灾害的常识归纳为居安思危、临危不惧、济困扶危和变危为安,并提出我们既 要普及常识,运用常识,也要勇于挑战常识,变革常识。赵修义教授认为,本次 疫情防控凸显了专业主义的价值。专业主义有利于提升国家治理现代化水平,也 有利于营造平和理性的社会氛围,值得我们倍加珍惜。沈国明教授指出,法治是 风险社会治理的根本遵循。新冠肺炎疫情防控给国家治理提出了一系列难题,但 也显示了我国国家治理的能力,一定程度上增强了法治的权威。杨国荣教授认为, 在抗疫的重要阶段,回归理性愈发重要。尊重理性要求我们避免盲目自满或自卑 的心态,更关切人性和人的尊严。郭齐勇教授提出,面对疫情我们要发挥中华人 文精神中的自省意识和忧患意识,谦虚谨慎,重视自身的短板,尤其是在国民人 文素养方面予以教化与提升。孙向晨教授认为,守护社会最为紧要的是“回归中 道”,即坚持实事求是,坚持理性的公共使用,恪守忠恕之道,达于社会共识。唯 此才能有效沟通,深入交流,保持社会的稳健。陈忠教授指出,治理弹性是我国 疫情防控取得阶段性成果的一个重要原因。以权力弹性的合理化推进治理弹性营 建,是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要路径。张成岗教授认为,全球风险 分布呈现“均等化”的趋势,我们应加强社会协同,促进风险防控全球合作,强 化以“责任”为核心的合作式风险治理机制。 


The di?usion of COVID-19 in early 2020 disrupted the rhythm of people’s life and production, and had a profound impact on individuals, society, countries and the world. The Exploration and Free Views invited experts and scholars to discuss it from the perspective of methodology.   

Professor He Huaihong believes that the spread of the epidemic highlights the situation of the common destiny of mankind. Professor Deng Weizhi sums up the common sense of dealing with disasters as thinking of danger in safety, fearless in danger, helping the poor and turning the crisis into safety. Professor Zhao Xiuyi believes that the prevention and control of the epidemic highlights the value of professionalism. Professor Shen Guoming points out that the rule of law is the fundamental compliance of risk social governance. Epidemic prevention and control shows our country’s ability of national governance, and to a certain extent, strengthens the authority of the rule of law. Professor Yang Guorong believes that in the important stage of anti epidemic, it is more and more important to return to rationality. We should avoid blind complacency or inferiority, and pay more attention to human nature and human dignity. Professor Guo Qiyong proposes that we should give full play to the consciousness of introspection and su?ering in the Chinese humanistic spirit, be modest and prudent, and pay attention to our own shortcomings, especially in the aspect of national humanistic quality. According to professor Sun Xiangchen, the most important thing to protect the society is to “return to the middle way”, that is, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, adhere to the rational public use, adhere to the principle of loyalty and forgiveness, and reach social consensus. Professor Chen Zhong points out that the ?exibility of governance is an important reason for the periodical achievements of epidemic prevention and control in China. Professor Zhang Chenggang believes that we should strengthen social coordination, promote global cooperation in risk prevention and control, and strengthen the cooperative risk governance mechanism with “responsibility” as the core.